Canadian adaptations of Ridley Scott‘s Life in a Day documentary (pictured) and Nutopia’s The Story of Us format are in the works.
The projects are among a list of 30 television series and documentaries to receive more than CAD$5.4 million (US$4.1 million) in grants from the Bell Fund, which received 52 applications for the February 1 round.
Bristow Global Media is producing a Canadian version of Nutopia’s The Story of Us docu-drama format for pubcaster CBC. The 10 x 60-minute series – called Canada: The Story of Us – will look at Canada’s present and past via dramatic sequences, CGI and interviews with notable national figures.
Bristow’s Julie Bristow and Claire Adams are exec producing alongside Nutopia’s Jane Root, Ben Goold and Phil Craig, who, Root says, has been working on projects with Nutopia since leaving Discovery Networks International last October.